Winter Look Book

Winter Look Book

Good Things — 2023

To showcase the most recent trending merchandise garments and accessories, Good Things create a bi-annual catalogue. Usually this project is outsourced to a product photographer, however, after seeing Miriam’s photography and photo editing skills, the leadership team assigned the project to her.

At least 6 months before the photoshoot, the sourcing team collaborate with our biggest clients, creating new designs and merchandise products. Once these are approved for manufacturing, it can take several weeks for all the samples to arrive in Australia. Once samples are labelled and categorised, that is when the project is transferred to Marketing’s responsibility. 

As Miriam was leading the photoshoot and completing it herself — the shoot spread across several half days, so that she could continue working on other priorities. After selecting final images, Miriam briefed the graphic designers to assist with image editing. Detailing specific instructions such as; changing the background colour, removing unapproved logos or imperfections on the samples. Miriam also edited some of the images herself and would review and provide feedback to the other graphic designers.

Brand continuity is so important when it comes to consumer-based products, such as merchandise. That is why we replicated a similar style of photography to what our external photographer used to do. Using bright popping background colours that compliment the merchandise elements, or brand colours. 

After releasing the Look Book to our customers via EDM, there was an influx in enquiries from a select few products that were in the catalogue. This resulted in over $150K of winter product sales.